Evening in the Country...

Evening in the Country...
...a gorgeous view of the WV mountains I get to enjoy everyday. Also the place Bri proposed earlier this year! [Not taken on that day.]

Friday, October 17, 2008

Continuing Tan Embroidery Skirt

I have gotten a little further on my skirt. I began to cut the lining and finished the seam allowances on the fashion fabric.

Here you can see that I chose to cut out every single piece individually, even the front where it should be a fold. This is a rayon lining and very slippery. After I sew these four lining pieces together, I will make the hem at least an inch shorter than the fashion fabric hem.

That means I need to decide now on how long I want my skirt. A choice I wasn't ready to decide but need before I hand baste the lining to the fashion fabric.

Here you can see that I began to press the seam allowances utilizing a ham.

Next I finished the seam allowance with a nice top stitch zig zap design. This stitch used very thread and did not have to use my extra bobbin. I still need to trim the extra fabric on the outer edge of these seams.

As I mentioned above, once I finish combining the lining pieces and finishing the seam allowances I will hand baste the lining to the fashion fabric.

Once that is complete I will insert the 7" invisible zipper and continue with steam pressing my petersham into the same curve degree as my pattern.

I plan to finish the waist with the petersham inside and a sliding hook & eye ensemble. Once that is complete I can figure how I will finish my hem. I am still thinking of something along the lines of a 2" hem lined with a stabilizer. Since I need to make a decision soon on the length.

Maybe I could add a tan (matching the embroidery thread) lace or trim on the hem to have it hang nicely. I'm just not sure.

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