Evening in the Country...

Evening in the Country...
...a gorgeous view of the WV mountains I get to enjoy everyday. Also the place Bri proposed earlier this year! [Not taken on that day.]

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Ten Stupid Things Women Do To Mess Up Their Lives

Dr. Laura Schlessinger wrote this book many years ago. I wish I would have read it many years ago. Already I have made just about every mistake. Since I am only 23, I still have time to change and readdress my own issues amd what I need to be doing with my life now.

I am currently back in school and taking other classes on the side (sewing) and finding time to be by myself.

Dr. Laura explains that living together before marriage does not mean your marriage is going to last longer. I can see why she explains that this is a mistake and you are making yourself much too much available to the man. Am I giving Brian the "let's see if this feels good today and everyday for the time being" issue? Definately. I agree with you Dr. Laura. I do feel I am way too available and giving him this daily "test" yet this is what I chose to do and this is my commitment I have already made and will keep to a very respectable and honorable man.

Marriage? That is way too much for me to even think about at my age. Then I ask myself: am I committed to this relationship? Yes, faithfully, emotionally and physically. I love my boyfriend and we've already started this and we plan to finish - until death do us part. Do I ever want to be married? I haven't a single clue.

Dr. Laura is a controversial radio talk show host. An amazing, intelligent woman. A woman who has helped millions of women. Read her books, she offers sound advice and you, too, will soon find your "ah ha" moment.

I highly recommend this book for every woman from 16 - 99!

1 comment:

Jolena said...

Wow.. this sounds great as well...